Natan D'Sampa is Brazilian and from São Paulo, he has been working in his studio as a visual artist for over 30 years. Influenced by contemporary art, the artist creates works ranging from realism to the surreal, with features and silhouettes of everyday life, using the colors of the city of São Paulo, offering the viewer a surprising composition. The union of red, white and black colors generated the visual identity and theme for which the artist is known.
Natan, worked in parallel for many years in the advertising market as a designer, emancipating his artistic work. During that same period, he began to invest in his first paintings and decided it was time to take on a new challenge and delve into the in-depth study of two artistic contexts that fascinated him: urban art and medieval art.
Fascinated by the art world, mainly by the techniques of the great master painters, and inspired by Frank Frazetta and Boris Vallejo, he acquires knowledge through courses, trips and in painting studios where he can improve his drawing, technique and creativity. Since then, his art has embarked on a path of unique beauty, and his works have come to be recognized and sought after all over the world.
The artist's work is based on the acrylic on canvas technique - contemporary figurative realist and surrealism styles - through an artistic language intrinsically related to sensation. The dialogue between classical art and contemporary art, which characterizes his work, is related to what can be conceptualized as "imaginary/fantastic realism", the meeting point of the real/concrete world and the world of dreams, the its own interiorization, emotions and perspective possibilities.
Since 2019, the artist has participated in group exhibitions in Brazil and abroad and has won numerous awards in his category. He disseminates his work through galleries in Brazil and Europe and has his work cataloged in Brazilian and foreign art publications. His work has been exhibited with great interest in important salons and galleries in Paris/France, Barcelona/Spain and will soon arrive in Rome.
Natan D'Sampa brings a keen artistic sensibility to his compositions, giving life and vitality to his timeless figures in a judicious relationship between the classic and the contemporary. Above all, he is a naturally skilled artist. His work is also intrinsically linked to emotion, with a personal language and a thematic axis that addresses all aspects of contemporary life in a poetic and captivating way.

Minha Jornada
"Minha jornada na arte começou muito cedo, influenciada pelas cores vibrantes e contrastes intensos da cidade de São Paulo. É aqui que encontro minha inspiração, no cotidiano, nas formas urbanas e nas emoções humanas. Para mim, a arte é uma ponte entre o real e o imaginário, um espaço onde emoções ganham forma.
Trabalhar no mercado publicitário como desenhista foi um marco na minha trajetória. Durante anos, dividi meu tempo entre os desafios criativos desse universo e minha paixão pela pintura. Foi nesse período que compreendi a necessidade de mergulhar profundamente no meu próprio processo artístico, explorando estilos e técnicas que vão desde a arte urbana até as minúcias da arte medieval.
Os grandes mestres, como Frank Frazetta e Boris Vallejo, sempre foram uma bússola para o meu trabalho. Através de cursos, viagens e muito estudo, aprimorei meu desenho, minha técnica e minha capacidade de criar composições que realmente falam de de mim, do que gosto e do que priorizo. Hoje, minhas obras transitam entre o figurativo realista e o surrealismo, mas sempre com um toque pessoal, algo que chamo de 'realismo imaginário'.
Expor minhas criações em salões e galerias internacionais, como em Paris, Barcelona, Bélgica, foi uma realização. Mas o que realmente me move é a possibilidade de compartilhar minha visão do mundo, de dialogar com o público e, de alguma forma, transformar sua percepção. Para mim, a arte é isso: emoção, conexão e um convite para sonhar."